I can’t help it, I get sentimental around Christmastime. Too much early 20th century British literature as a child, I suppose. I get a contact high from nostalgia. Anyway, out friends Andy and Eric gave us this Christmas cactus last year, and it’s flowering right on time!
Archive for Squirrels that Caught My Attention
It’s Tough to Do the Red White and Blue
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to sit in traffic on I-95 for hours and hours of Thanksgiving traffic between Fredericksburg and Long Island. It occurred to me, watching the long parades of brake lights, that no state has made a classy red, white, and blue plate since the New York Statue of Liberty Plates in 1986. Now that was a classy, goodlooking, illustrated-but-minimalist plate. More recent takes on the flag-waving license plate genre have seriously failed to live up. Read more
Get your Greek Revival here! Whole columns, crated and ready for installation. Buy in bulk and save! Enough to cover every church in Virginia and banquet hall in Astoria.
Category: Squirrels that Caught My Attention / Tags: Astoria, Fredericksburg, UMW, Virginia Architectural Pastiches