Disappointing those who expected to be disappointed, last night’s snowstorm delivered on its promise of real, if icy, accumulation. (Myself, I was expecting real snow, mostly because I was taking the word of Chris White, fredericksburg.com’s weather blogger, who I am increasingly becoming a fan of for his thoughtful and articulate posts about local meteorology.)
The normal annoyance of snow days for faculty … the tedium of rearranging syllabi … doesn’t seem to apply today because, well, my syllabi are all shot to hell by all the snow we’ve had already this semester. So I’ve settled in for a nice day of catching up on work in my home office, while contemplating the icily buried reminder of summer outside my window. Combined with a snowy expedition downtown to shovel out Skin+Touch Therapy, it’s been a lovely little respite in the middle of a hectic semester.
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