Tag Archive for instructional technology

Twitter as an Academic Tool

Is it a siren song that I sing?

Is it a siren song that I sing?

This week’s assignment for the Domain of One’s Own Faculty Initiative is to explore online scholarly communities.  I spent some time racking my brain trying to think up Early Americanist communities online, until I realized that I have been an active user of just such a community for years, H-Net.  I belong to several of their groups, and I get much of my information about fellowships, conferences, and new work from interacting with their email listservs and their newly renovated web portal.  The size and breadth of its user community makes it an invaluable resource for me. Read more

Teaching is About Relationships

Rural school near Milton, North Dakota, 1913.  Courtesy of Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo.

Rural school near Milton, North Dakota, 1913. Courtesy of Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo.

This week’s readings were all about using technology to open up teaching and learning and to take advantage of the “abundance” of teaching materials, expertise, and networks.  These pieces all strike me as fine, as far as they go, but they mostly reveal an understanding of what makes for good teaching that is fundamentally different from mine. Read more
